Monday, March 24, 2008

the easter bunny is evil

Take a look at this picture, how can you not believe me. Besides the evil easter bunny, easter is just my weakness as far as food goes. Peeps. Those things are so good, but so bad. So now that the holidays are over, it's time for serious crackdown.

I'm really going to try and be disciplined about my workout that I have going each day. I start off really unmotivated simply just because I know the pain I'll endure. But like that old chinese proverb that Josh always says, "Man is a pupil. Pain is his teacher." Then I start on the treadmill and I keep going and keep pushing because I know that it will be worth it in the end. When I'm done, I'm exhausted but I feel so refreshed and invigorated. 

I want to feel and look my best on my wedding day and now I have 59 days left to get there. It's not so much the weight that I want to lose but how I feel. It's going to be so worth it for me and it's more than worth it to do it for Josh. I owe it to him. I owe him my best and he deserves it. For the past months he's really been working hard every day and he does it all because he's motivated by me. It's a beautiful thing. I should give him the same.  He's more disciplined about it than I, but I'm going to do my best. I promised him that. 

I have 8 more weeks. 8 more weeks until I get married. Until I am a wife and when my life changes drastically. I'm so excited to spend my life with Josh. All the little things in life that seem so insignificant will be that much more significant because I get to do those things with Josh. 

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