Monday, March 31, 2008

rain rain go away

I'd like to say that sometimes my spontaneous personality pays off. We have nasty nasty weather right now and we still took our e-pics! I had so much fun with Josh, and I'd like to thank Lisa for being so flexible to let us play in the rain and just make it work. I'm really excited to see the pictures and I had tons of fun today. 

So I think Josh and I have found our apartment and we couldn't be happier! We did some driving around yesterday to see what places were open to check out the apartments. We turned down a street and found the Park Meadows Apartments and I'm confident we have a winner. It's exactly what we are looking for and quite a steal. It's a two bedroom apartment with plenty of space, a cute kitchen, a gigantic closet and a way cute bathroom. It makes me so excited about everything that's going on and it really makes me feel like I'm getting married and growing up. 

Woot woot!

Monday, March 24, 2008

my new toys


Woot! The iPod is a birthday gift from my mom, who is so crazy to buy me a new one anyway after all she is already doing for me with this wedding. Running is so much easier to do with my music again. Then at my shower I got the iPod dock (from my mom again) and it's the coolest thing ever. 
The list of cool things the dock does:
1. You can wake up to your iPod.
2. You don't have to hit the snooze button, you can just wave your arm in front of some sensor and it turns it off.
3. The remote has a snooze button on it. How's that for lazy?
4. There are two different alarm settings, so when I'm married and Josh needs to wake up earlier than I, he can have his own alarm that goes off without having to reset it for me.
5. It automatically adjusts the time, I didn't even have to set the thing. As soon as I plugged it in, it figured out what time it was.

Anyway, it was a good monday. I'm trying to take the same attitude as Lisa, marvelous mondays, and today was pretty marvelous. Running with my new iPod, playing with my new dock, making yummy vegetable pizza on wheat crust, watching Waking Ned Devine with Josh and his family and now just relaxing in bed reminiscing about the day. On the drive home tonight I was inspired by a song on one of the IHOP Limited Edition CDs and I have this one line I'm going to try and work with to write a song:

The joy of the Lord set before me is the beauty of the Son of God.

the easter bunny is evil

Take a look at this picture, how can you not believe me. Besides the evil easter bunny, easter is just my weakness as far as food goes. Peeps. Those things are so good, but so bad. So now that the holidays are over, it's time for serious crackdown.

I'm really going to try and be disciplined about my workout that I have going each day. I start off really unmotivated simply just because I know the pain I'll endure. But like that old chinese proverb that Josh always says, "Man is a pupil. Pain is his teacher." Then I start on the treadmill and I keep going and keep pushing because I know that it will be worth it in the end. When I'm done, I'm exhausted but I feel so refreshed and invigorated. 

I want to feel and look my best on my wedding day and now I have 59 days left to get there. It's not so much the weight that I want to lose but how I feel. It's going to be so worth it for me and it's more than worth it to do it for Josh. I owe it to him. I owe him my best and he deserves it. For the past months he's really been working hard every day and he does it all because he's motivated by me. It's a beautiful thing. I should give him the same.  He's more disciplined about it than I, but I'm going to do my best. I promised him that. 

I have 8 more weeks. 8 more weeks until I get married. Until I am a wife and when my life changes drastically. I'm so excited to spend my life with Josh. All the little things in life that seem so insignificant will be that much more significant because I get to do those things with Josh. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Don't throw a party

How do you go through a situation and not feel guilty for being the one to cause most of the issues and hardships in a relationship? This is not a pity party. It's a reflection of myself and the realization of needing to simply do one thing. Grow up.

Sometimes I question if I'm ready for this. But will I ever be ready? Sometimes you have to go through the motions to learn the lesson. I think about what my mom prayed over me the other day and it brings me to tears again. She called me her little girl and for some reason that statement meant worlds to me. There was something so precious and so preserving about that statement. I felt precious to her and I took pride in what she said. She's letting me go to grow up, and it's a scary thought. I've been so protected by my family for all of my life regardless of the "grown up" things I've done, such as live in Africa or Guatemala. I still came home to their safety and their shelter. 

I haven't had a lot of opportunities to "be on my own" not just physically, like in my own place, but to the extent of my thoughts and how I handle certain situations. I'm such a highly dependent person that I don't allow myself to really think for myself or train myself to deal with situations with my own reasoning. I just react how I  think people would want me to and not in a manner that is necessarily significant to me. 

What is all of this I'm blabbering on about? I'm not even sure.

I guess I'm trying to look at myself and see what it is that makes up who I am, what causes these weaknesses that I struggle with. And what I can do to make myself stronger.

He says these things because he loves me, because he is committed to me. I should give him this at least. Sometimes I wonder how I can be his favorite. But that's the mystery of love, somehow I am. I want to be better for him and I want to figure it all out. 

Aye yay yay, I need to get to bed.

Monday, March 17, 2008


All the lovely ladies in my life.

Yum! I love cake. A wonderful lady at my church, Hannah, made this cake for my shower.

Rachael, Me and Rachel.

Trying to hold back the tears as I read a card from my momma.

Ooo Oooo Oooo, What did I get?!?!

Scoutie and me at my bridal shower.


There are some moments in life where you can stop and look at what's going on and just realize how blessed you are. That happened to me yesterday when I went to my church lady bridal shower. Those women bring so much joy and wisdom into my life (presents too yesterday) but for real I am totally lucky to have all of these loving people in my life. Also any girl would be lucky to have the parents that I do. My mom prayed over me and we both got a little teary eyed because I think it was the first time it really hit her that I was getting married and for me it was becoming all the more real.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Oh and P.S.

Happy early birthday to me. My dad gave me my birthday present tonight. Two tickets to see Feist, one for me and one for Josh, to go see her on my birthday, April 12th. Haaaaaappppy Birthday tooooooooo meeee!

My Contribution

Here's my contribution to that which is called LOST and the craziness of the entire show.

Part of this theory and information is composed by my fiance. Here we go:

The numbers they had to enter in the hatch
4 8 15 16 23 42 = 108 (every 108 minutes this sequence had to be pushed)
4+8+1+5+1+6+2+3+4+2=36 (all the single digits added up)

square root of 36 is 6

6 6 6 = ooo creepy

36 is pretty predominant, right?

Now my contribution.

Jack mentions that when Sayid left on the helicopter it had been 36 hours since they left. When they contacted them when they reached the ship, the people on the ship said it only took them 20 minutes. We already know there's some time lapse because of Daniel Faraday's findings. 

36 hours x 60 minutes= 2160 minutes that according to Jack, Sayid and Desmond had been gone. 

2160 minutes of island time divided by 20 minutes of real time= 108 minutes

So 108 minutes of island time equals 1 minute in real time.

Which kind of connects to why they had to push the button every 108 minutes. And we realize that the island is slowly slipping into the future in comparison to the real world.


I'm not sure if any of this makes sense to anyone else. Oh well.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Today I decided to take advantage of the snow day and I went outside and built a snowlady. Her name is Nadia and she was lots of fun to make. I felt like such a kid out there in the snow. Here's a picture of my new friend. The little one is Baby Bernice. Shauna (AJ's girlfriend) made her.

It's March! Buuuuut it's still cold.

Another blizzard has blown through and I'm home from school. Snow days were a lot more fun when I was a kid because I had no reason to go out into the world and do anything. Now, as an adult, I can't enjoy the snow days as much because right now I have so much to do. Sad times. Maybe I will play in the snow just to take advantage of it.

I do enjoy watching Ellen. She makes me laugh with her crazy noises she makes.