Here's my contribution to that which is called LOST and the craziness of the entire show.
Part of this theory and information is composed by my fiance. Here we go:
The numbers they had to enter in the hatch
4 8 15 16 23 42 = 108 (every 108 minutes this sequence had to be pushed)
4+8+1+5+1+6+2+3+4+2=36 (all the single digits added up)
square root of 36 is 6
6 6 6 = ooo creepy
36 is pretty predominant, right?
Now my contribution.
Jack mentions that when Sayid left on the helicopter it had been 36 hours since they left. When they contacted them when they reached the ship, the people on the ship said it only took them 20 minutes. We already know there's some time lapse because of Daniel Faraday's findings.
36 hours x 60 minutes= 2160 minutes that according to Jack, Sayid and Desmond had been gone.
2160 minutes of island time divided by 20 minutes of real time= 108 minutes
So 108 minutes of island time equals 1 minute in real time.
Which kind of connects to why they had to push the button every 108 minutes. And we realize that the island is slowly slipping into the future in comparison to the real world.
I'm not sure if any of this makes sense to anyone else. Oh well.