Say hello to the new Mrs. Klipsch.
Okay okay, so I've been married for four weeks now so I'm not really brand new. I just haven't taken the time to update this blog that nobody reads. :)
So married life is good. It still seems somewhat surreal. I had a moment last night where I felt like I should have been calling my parents to let them know where I was going to be for the evening and that I would be home late and then it hit me that I'm a married woman now and I don't have to call home anymore. It kind of freaked me out just a wee bit.
I love spending every moment I can with Josh. It's so fun to be at home and hear him walk in the door and just get to hug him every day when he comes home from work. I'm not sure he realizes how much I like it, but I do. I think we are adjusting well to learning about how one another lives and the kind of space we need. Because as much as we are newlyweds we still both need space. So we do a good job living around each other and enjoying our time together even if we aren't in the same room.
I need to post some pictures from the wedding and the honeymoon. I have pictures from the wedding and I'm so excited to get my pictures from Lisa. So as soon as those are ready I will post those. But here's a few non-pro ones for anyone that reads this. Which is no one.